This past winter, I developed a bit of a ritual. As I made my way to the ferry to head for home I would stop (time permitting) at a coffee shop in the ferry terminal. There, I'd grab an 8 oz ("child size") hot apple cider. Drinking the cider would warm me up from the damp walk from my office.
As an added bonus, I could chat briefly with the very nice young woman behind the counter. Over the course of the winter, I began to suspect that perhaps she was expecting. But having an ounce or two of common sense, I know better than to ever suggest that I think a woman may be pregnant unless (i) she's told me that she's carrying a child or (ii) the child is actually crowning and emergency assistance is required. Failing to abide by these rules can only result in embarrassment.
One day, the nice lady who served me cider confessed that she was in fact expecting. I congratulated her, and asked if she would mind if I made something for the baby.
Now, a few weeks later, I'll be giving her this stroller blanket. It is made in washer-friendly acrylic garter stitch done on the bias with sawtooth edging in contrasting colors for fun. Nothing big - just a little something to help the little person stay warm as he or she (the parents do not intend to find out until the birth) is out and about in our cold damp weather. Hopefully, the small one will get as much enjoyment out of it as I did out of the cider.
Wow!! Respect to you. I also suggest my knit fabric suppliers for preparing these kinds of items.